

This is going to sound petty but my b*tchy roommate that never does one bit of cleaning around the house & uses all our dishes, bowls, cups, etc. (then leaves them in the sink for us to clean) has been frustrating me lately. See, she'll make her food, then take it into her room and eat it there, then repeats this process over and over. But she leave the dirty dishes in her room until she feels like bringing them out. Lately, she has kept them in there and is refusing to bring them out. I mean, I've left numerous messages on her door, and all she does rip the note off her door. I just want my plates, bowls, & cups back because I'm moving out soon & I want to make sure they're not broken or what not. I left her notes that even said I won't hesitate to contact her parents to make sure they make her reimburse me, and she still hasn't done anything about it. So, I just don't know what to do now. I don't know if I should knock on her door and ask for them one final time, or legitimately call her parents. Ughhh, I'm just so mad. She has put my [other] roommates and I through hell this school year, I just can't wait to get out of here. LORD, I know this isn't a big deal, but it's just the concept of it all. You know all the other things she has done to us this year so you can understand where I'm coming from. My patience is running thing and I've had it up the here. Please help me be more patient and find peace so I won't lose my temper. Help me figure out the best way to take care of this situation. LORD, I can't wait to move out of here, but until then, please just help me relax & do the right thing, which is not lose my temper.

Thanks for letting me vent,


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