

This is going to sound petty but my b*tchy roommate that never does one bit of cleaning around the house & uses all our dishes, bowls, cups, etc. (then leaves them in the sink for us to clean) has been frustrating me lately. See, she'll make her food, then take it into her room and eat it there, then repeats this process over and over. But she leave the dirty dishes in her room until she feels like bringing them out. Lately, she has kept them in there and is refusing to bring them out. I mean, I've left numerous messages on her door, and all she does rip the note off her door. I just want my plates, bowls, & cups back because I'm moving out soon & I want to make sure they're not broken or what not. I left her notes that even said I won't hesitate to contact her parents to make sure they make her reimburse me, and she still hasn't done anything about it. So, I just don't know what to do now. I don't know if I should knock on her door and ask for them one final time, or legitimately call her parents. Ughhh, I'm just so mad. She has put my [other] roommates and I through hell this school year, I just can't wait to get out of here. LORD, I know this isn't a big deal, but it's just the concept of it all. You know all the other things she has done to us this year so you can understand where I'm coming from. My patience is running thing and I've had it up the here. Please help me be more patient and find peace so I won't lose my temper. Help me figure out the best way to take care of this situation. LORD, I can't wait to move out of here, but until then, please just help me relax & do the right thing, which is not lose my temper.

Thanks for letting me vent,



Help Support Hunger & Poverty...

Hey everyone, on this blog site of mine I have a little 'widget' to help support hunger & poverty around the world, so if y'all could just take 5 minutes to click on the little black box on the right column of my page you could do 15 second activites and provide a meal for starving people somewhere in the world. Every meal counts, so open up your heart, it'll only take a few minutes.

Also, there's this website freerice.com, where all you have to do is guess what the word means, and for every word you get right the UN World Food Program donates 10 grains of rice. So you're expanding your vocabulary while feeding the hungry. You can even pick a subject! Please do it!

Thanks Y'all,

stressed out

Lately, I feel like I've been on edge & irritable. I'm just so stressed out & worried. I've been slacking in my classes and I have this weight on my shoulders all the time to rush, rush, rush to get all my work done so I can pull my grades back up. But, I keep getting pulled in by so many different distractions. LORD, give me the strength to be break away from the distractions of the internet, TV, my roomies & the mess of my apartment. Help me to break these bad habits! Look, I'm actually doing it right now. I'm on the computer writing my feelings out when I should be getting sleep so that I can have the energy to study after "Best Buddies Day" tomorrow. LORD, I ask you that tomorrow you help me roll out of bed on time, so I can get ready & have a good breakfast then have some time to spare so I can study before I go off to "Best Buddies Day". I ask that once I get home, You help me focus on just my studying and that's it. NO distractions. I pray that I do well on my test so after, I can enjoy the celebration of the wonderful Katie Stafford's 19th Birthday with no worries. Happy Birthday Katie! & In Jesus' Name, Amen.


my prayer.

Dear God,
Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins. Thank you for my wonderful & generous Mother & Father, I love them so so much. Thank you for giving me a sister that's always there for me. Thank you for my entire family in general, it's comforting to have so many people that love & care about me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of going to USF & getting me one step closer to making my dreams come true. Thank you for giving me the roommates & friends that I have, I don't know what I'd do without them. Thank you for bringing good out of every bad situation that I've had in my life. Thank you for giving me such wonderful loving dogs, Chico & Daisy. Thank you for giving me the experience of living and traveling to so many places. Thank you for letting me get teased sometimes as a child, be ridiculed & laughed at now, sometimes, and have my heart broken because it's not only made me stronger, but it's humbled my heart, made me kinder, and made me a more sensitive woman. Finally, thank you for loving me unconditionally, regardless of how imperfect I am & the mistakes I've made. Please forgive me for my sins. I know that, at times, I can be selfish, irrational, quick to anger, jealous, & mean, I'm so sorry for that. Please, help me rid of those bad habits. Help me be the woman you created me to be, help me be the best person I can be. I want to be filled with the fruits of your spirit. I ask that you help me have more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in my life. I want to be all those good things & none of the bad things. I ask that you are with me, always. Give me the strength to never stray. Help me be less stressed, and more productive. Help me focus, keep my priorities straight and pass my classes. And whatever comes my way, your will be done. Help me to keep looking forward & appreciate the new things you're doing with my life, even if it hurts.

I pray for all the people out there that are hurt, angry, hungry, thirsty, and heart broken. I pray that you ease their troubles and that they may find refuge in you. I pray for the lonely & that they may realize that what's missing in in their lives is You. Please protect, guide & put your angels around my family & friends. Take extra care of my Aunt Susie, please help her get better. Finally, please forgive me if I forgot or left anything out. I love you, Lord.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



So, I've just been seeing these incredibly inspiring movies lately and they have just been inspiring me to want to act and play my piano [again]. I know it's just a fantasy, mostly, but I feel so outstanding and motivated. I might just have my head in the clouds, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea to take up acting lessons and get involved with theater [again] & master the piano, while I'm here at USF getting my Nursing degree and move to New York or LA once I'm done. Oh, it's just a dream, but who says I can't dream? You never know what come tomorrow.


Rainy Days

I love the sound of pouring rain. I love the color of the sky as the clouds become darker. Today has been one of those days. You sleep in, wake up, take a nice hot shower, make yourself a egg and cheese sandwich and sip on a nice hot cup of coffee while listening to some Jack Johnson. Lazy. I like being lazy sometimes. But after a while I start feeling guilty, like there are things I should be doing. There always is, things for me to get done. So why don't I do them? I keep getting distracted. Facebook, Formspring, Blogger, Tumblr, you name it, and I go on it. Anything to put off my to-do list. Why is it that, I keep putting it of? I really don't know. I mean, I want to be successful and have less stress in my life, but I just keep procrastinating. I need a plan. I need to me more motivated. I need to stop procrastinating and set my priorities straight. Starting now.